Bloomington, Illinois businesses have a lot of opportunity to grow and thrive, no matter what the industry. But just being located in Bloomington or Normal isn’t enough. Businesses and SMBs in particular need to be smart and savvy in order to find long-lasting success. That’s why we offer managed print services in Bloomington, right from our local office on Hershey Road!
What Does Managed Print Services Mean?
Managed Print Services is a term that refers to a third-party vendor managing your company’s printer fleet on your behalf. In some cases, this management may also include printer leasing. The Managed Print Services provider monitors your printers and copiers, ensures their security and uptime, and maintains them for your business.
In Bloomington, Illinois, you can obtain Managed Print Services from CDS Office Technologies, a Managed Technology Services provider that has been successful serving Illinois businesses and organizations of all sizes for many years.
Why Bloomington, Illinois Businesses Need Managed Print Services
Bloomington, Illinois businesses can gain many great benefits from utilizing Managed Print Services. While the Bloomfield-Normal metropolitan area is a great place to run a small business, or any business for that matter, Bloomington businesses still need to be competitive. Here are some of the ways Managed Print Services can help Bloomington-Normal businesses thrive:
MPS saves Bloomington businesses money.
Here’s a great reason to use managed print services. It’s cost effective! And while the cost of doing business here is probably less than more expensive areas like the San Francisco Bay area, all small businesses can still benefit from saving money. With Managed Print Services, your business will have a predictable monthly cost with its printer services. This cost will include maintenance and supplies. As the business grows, these costs may of course increase, however, this can be planned and managed, as opposed to being a last minute surprise.
MPS makes Bloomfield businesses more productive.
Productivity has to be one of the main focuses of any business. Without productivity, nothing gets done. Or, if “it” gets done, it doesn’t get done well or on time if productivity is not emphasized! Therefore, it behooves Bloomington businesses to create an environment for their employees that enables productivity. If printers aren’t working properly, this definitely destroys productivity. Your workers will be tied up trying to fix broken printers, instead of just doing the job they were hired to do. Managed Print Services can take care of maintenance for you and make sure that your printers are always running smoothly. This frees up your employees to do what you hired them to do.
MPS provides security for Bloomington-Normal metropolitan area businesses.
Cybersecurity is a huge concern for businesses of all sizes. And even if your Bloomington business is just local, if you are connected to the Internet, then your business is a target for hackers. Printers are a common way for hackers to access a business network. With Managed Print Services, you will have the proper cybersecurity system in place to prevent hackers from taking over your printer fleet and getting into the rest of your network, thus securing your data.
MPS helps your employees.
Recruiting, hiring, and training new tech staff can be a challenge, especially for small businesses…including those in Bloomington, Illinois. And you may not need a full-time person for your technology needs anyway. With Managed Print Services, your Bloomington-Normal business can benefit from the expertise of an entire printer technology team. You won’t have to worry about hiring resources to manage printers and related technology. This frees up your Bloomington employees to focus on more important tasks.
Looking for Managed Print Services in Bloomington, IL?
If you have a growing business in the Bloomington-Normal metropolitan area (or even if your business is not growing!), you can benefit from Managed Print Services. CDS Office Technologies is your choice for print management because of our fantastic service and prompt support. Through a comprehensive assessment, we will review your current printer fleet and network environment to determine areas of vulnerability and opportunities for improvement.
Via secure print management software, Print Management Plus, we can monitor your printer fleet’s usage to spot areas of overuse, thus enabling a more sustainable print strategy. With Managed Print Services in Bloomington, Illinois, your business can reduce costs while enjoying more ease and efficiency with your printers and copiers.
CDS Office Technologies can help dramatically improve your organization’s productivity and efficiency through our Managed Print Services in Bloomington, Illinois. Contact us today to schedule an assessment and consultation.