Even though the school year is a fresh memory in many student’s minds, the clock is already ticking on the start of another school year. Summer may be filled with warm days of sun, fun, and friends, but it’s also time to start preparing technology solutions for that first day back. So many schools now use connected devices in lesson plans. In fact, Chromebook sales grew nearly 300% last year largely due to their use in the education market. With these devices now added to the usual school supply list, device preparation has become an important part of a school division’s summer planning before the new school year kicks off.
Of course, there are also other devices that need to be prepped and made ready for another year of school, including printers, interactive whiteboards, projectors, and more. With a vast number of devices to inventory, and the days quickly passing by, now is the time to start preparing devices for the next school year.
Taking Inventory
The first step when preparing devices for a new school year is to take stock of what is currently on hand. Chromebooks and tablets are the top choice for many schools around the country and it’s not uncommon to find schools that have hundreds of these devices in storage waiting to be assigned to a new student in the fall.
Understanding how many devices are on hand, which ones are functional, and which ones may need repairs is an essential part of the process. Once a clear picture is made about the state of the device stockpile, it’s time to begin planning.
Procuring and Replacing
Anyone with a child understands that pretty much everything, especially school supplies, are put through the ringer. From drops to spills to whatever other creative method a student has come up with to damage something, there will inevitably be devices to replace.
In addition, school administration needs to consider the incoming student body. Even if every single Chromebook and tablet miraculously survived the previous school year, the number of devices on hand may not meet the volume of students attending class in the fall. New devices may need to be procured to account for the number of incoming students.
Whether buying new devices or replacing broken ones, it’s important to have a clear number of required devices early so that orders can be put in with ample time for shipment and delivery. Keep in mind that schools across the country and around the world will all be placing orders for new Chromebooks prior to the school year. Demand is high and those schools that are prepared will benefit from having their orders in first.
Of course, not every electronic device in the hands of a student meets an unfortunate end. However, it may have some scars to show after a long school year. As part of taking stock of devices on hand, Chromebooks, printers, and interactive whiteboards should be looked over and tested. Common repairs could include screen repair, battery replacement, or replacing missing keys on the keyboard. Sometimes repairs are a cost-effective way to keep a fleet of devices operating for another school year. On the other hand, many devices like Chromebooks and printers are also very affordable and it’s important to consider if the cost of repair exceeds the cost of replacing devices.
Much like purchasing devices, repairing devices should be completed as soon as possible, well before the school doors open once again. Many schools will be requesting similar repairs and, to avoid delay, an early assessment of stock can help ensure timely delivery of repaired devices as the school year draws closer.
Device Preparation & Management
Once the device fleet is all counted, new devices are added, and damaged ones are repaired, it’s time to prepare all of these devices for day one of the new school year. Common parts of the preparation process include device software updates, installing new software, deploying charging stations or carts if needed, as well as much more. The management of such a massive fleet of devices is no small task and could be the most time-consuming part of the entire process.
Thankfully, once this step is complete, the entire process has reached its end. A new school year will have arrived and students will have access to all the tools they need to learn.
Device Preparation Made Easy
Device preparation in anticipation of a new school year doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the help of CDS Office Technologies, this process can be streamlined. Whether it’s procuring new devices, fixing old ones, or managing a growing fleet, the experts at CDS Office Technologies are here to help. Contact us today.